
Saturday, December 9, 2017

Worlington Trial - 20th January 2018

Due to high demand (and lack of daylight hours!) we have decided to make the Cradle Trial at Worlington a separate event and run it on the Sunday instead of part of Saturday's Nursery/Novice.

So Saturday 20th January will be a Nursery/Novice Trial and Sunday 21st January will be a Cradle Trial. More information on Facebook or contact the EASS via email (easstrials@btinternet.com).

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Chairman's Report - 2017 AGM

Chairman’s Report 2017

Dear Member

Our society has enjoyed another eventful and I believe successful year fulfilling most of our aims as described in our constitution.

We have had a full calendar of trials which started, as usual, with a nursery and novice series of trials some of which again saw the introduction of the cradle class. All these trials were well organized and enjoyed by all who came and the series culminated with a Nursery/Novice Championship held in April. Our society was again able to enter a team for the National Nursery finals and incidentally these trials will be hosted within our region next February so I ask members to watch for this as help will be particularly required at that event.

As a reminder to members, all new competitors in these cradle /nursery trials should have passed their working test. This has to a greater extent achieved its aim by ensuring that all handlers have basic control of their dogs and are aware of the rules and etiquette of trialling before competing.

As was discussed at last year’s AGM, some novice handler working trial events were organised which have built upon the training initiative started by Caitlin Jenkins, and again these were enjoyed by all who attended. We have also provided a number of demonstrations namely at the wool fair Ickworth Park and the Easton and Otley college open day as well as our usual Sheepdogs at work demonstration held at the Suffolk Show. The demonstrations held at the Wool Fair in particular attracted a large crowd of interested spectators who enjoyed watching the dogs work a small flock of sheep and had lots of questions. We also continue to have a number of our members who regularly do demonstrations or indeed deliver training to those who are interested in working dogs in general.

Our summer series of open trials were similar to the previous year with the exception of the Ickworth Wool Fair trial being replaced by a demonstration and an open trial being held instead at the Rural Pastimes event at Euston which was very well received by the event organisers. It is expected that we will follow a similar format of trials in the year to come. It was a disappointment that we did not have enough support to hold our own EASS championship or manage to raise a team to compete at the inter-society trials held in this year in Sussex.

It’s been another exciting year for our handlers who have been competing at trials with great success throughout the UK. A number of our members had the pleasure of supporting Ed Hawkins as he competed at the World Trial held in Europe for the first time. He did himself and our society proud by qualifying for the semi final where he had a very creditable run completing the course. It was a point of great interest to me to see how competent the continental handlers have become and the growing interest in working sheepdogs in Europe generally.

Although not exactly society business, it would be churlish not to mention the English National held at Haughley Park in July. Many of our members were heavily involved in this event which was acclaimed by many as a great success and something that all those involved with it should be proud of. The cream of English handlers competed on what was reported as a‘great course with brilliant sheep’ that fairly tested the best.

Again, we were able to witness a number of EASS members competing, all of whom gave a very good account of themselves, the icing on the cake was to see Ed Hawkins and Troy have a great run and qualifying to compete at the International as part of the English team.

My congratulations go to all those members who have had success with their dogs during this last year.

On a more sombre note I must report to you that Elaine Bell who for many years has been our archivist has been forced to retire through recent ill health. Her role has, with Elaine’s blessing, be taken over by Kath Perry who will be assisted I understand by Caitlin Jenkins.

It is Elaine’s great wish that this wonderful record of our activities be maintain so can I urge every member to help in this regard by passing on to Kath all relevant items, news cutting, and indeed photos of all sheepdog activities within East Anglia for her to collate and preserve.

I wish to publicly thank Elaine for all her work over the years and to report to you that she has been awarded at the committees’ behest the honour of Honorary Member.

It is still my view that we should concentrate on the quality of our trials as opposed to quantity, particularly as the bulk of the work falls to so few. There is also a responsibility on all members to try to help and in particular in taking a fair turn at putting out sheep. This off course a condition of entry but how sheep are put out makes such a difference to the trial particularly when the sheep are difficult. I can only urge all competitors to try their best in this regard.

I hope that our society will continue to reach out to everyday shepherds who just want a decent working dog, and help them if we can. Our aim is to make the society relevant to all with an interest in working sheepdogs. I believe that our society should be more than just a mechanism to organise sheepdog trials.

We can all benefit from the support and encouragement that other like minded people can give us and this is of course true whatever your level or interest in sheepdogs is. However, as I have already mentioned, the level of commitment in hosting and organising trials is falling on far too few shoulders, and if this is to continue, more people must come forward to help in all aspects of organising our programme of events. We have not been good at devolving responsibility and maybe this is our biggest challenge, to all be pulling in one direction towards a common goal. I am aware that this is a very ambitious aim, but like all things in life, you only get out what you put in, so I urge all members, who can, to help in some way.

We have managed to maintain a healthy level of membership which stands at between 80 90 members, keeping in contact with our members and offering some practical benefits for being part of our society is something we still need to address. However when I log on to face- book and see results, reports and photographs almost immediately after the event I can see that this is the way forward and I can only urge all members to familiarise themselves with our face book page and website and I thank those members who have actively kept them ‘in the moment’.

I would like to thank all the members who have helped at trials or our events in whatever way. It is you who have made, by your contribution, these events successful. In particular I want to thank the members of the committee who have helped me, particularly with their council, and have been active in their support at our events. I can confirm to you that much debate goes on about how to make thing better for all members.

Much of the administration is done unseen and I would particularly like to thank our secretary Meg Wilson, treasurer, Kath Perry, and Grace Baldry for their work during the past year.

We will be calling for nominations to our committee but please reflect that the role of the committee member is proactive and it is actions we need not good intentions. Any person who has good ideas and the confidence to express them will be welcomed.

To conclude, we have, in my view a successful society but to maintain this we need more active support. We must also continue to be vigilant in promoting good sportsmanship and a healthy and inclusive approach at our events. By doing this we will all continue to enjoy this wonderful sport and interest.

Bob Wilden
15th November 2017

Saturday, November 18, 2017

An Evenings Discussion about the finer points of judging

OPEN TO ALL MEMBERS and this is a FREE event

To be held Friday 8th December at Stowmarket Rugby Club, Stowmarket, Suffolk, IP14 1SZ

From 7pm til 10pm.

A bar and light refreshments available.

This may be of interest to all competitors, Judges or potential Judges.

We plan to have an informal discussion using visual aids to explore different opinions about how points are lost during sheepdog trials

It would be useful to know numbers so please contact -

Bob Wilden on 07711822704 or Ed Hawkins on 07591342412

if you would like to attend.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

New Email Addresses

We have created 2 new email addresses to make contacting the EASS easier!

For membership: eassmembership@btinternet.com

For trial entries: easstrials@btinternet.com

Friday, October 6, 2017

EASS Membership due from 1st November 2017

EASS membership runs from 1st November to 31st October the following year - so this needs to be renewed for those planning to enter our winter trials, as follows - 

Membership Prices are - 

£12 per member,
£15 joint membership (2 adults and children under 16) 
any further adults + £7.50,

Should you wish to pay by BACS payment
Our Bank details are –
                                Sort Code - 30-98-58
                                Account Number - 00240771
                                Reference - Your name
                                Amount - £15.00 for 2 persons, £12.00 for single membership

Please email your details to eassmembership@btinternet.com
giving your Name, Address and telephone numbers to have your remittance confirmed.

Should you wish to pay by cheque
Please send cheque made payable to EASS, together with your name, address, mobile and email details to our
Membership Secretary c/o 14 Stone Road, Beetley, Norfolk, NR20 4LS

Please be aware that Membership to the EASS is required to enter our Winter Club Trials/Training Days

Should you have any queries please contact us
Thank you

EASS 2017 Annual General Meeting

Date - Wednesday 15th November 2017

Time - 7.00pm for 7.30pm 

     Stowmarket Rugby Club
     Clifton Way
     IP14 1SZ

Please come and support the EASS at our Annual General Meeting

1 - Apologies for absence
2 - Members present
3 - Minutes of the 2016 meeting
4 - Matters arising from the minutes
5 - Chairmans Report
6 - Treasurers Report
7 - Nominations for the new Committee
8 - Proposed changes to Constitution
9 - Any other business / general discussion
10 - Meeting date for the new Committee
11 - Close of meeting followed by a Buffet Supper

Nominations for the Committee may be made at the meeting or prior to it by contacting the secretary Meg Wilson

Nominations should names of proposer and seconder, who must both be paid up members

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Running order for Trial at Ickworth on Sunday 1st October - 8am start

Trial at Ickworth Park on Saturday 30th September 2017 8.00am start

This trial is Pre-entry, however the running order will be composed on the day

Running 3 dogs - please report to CD by 8.00am
Running 2 dogs - please report to CD by 10.00am
Running 1 dog - please report to CD by 12.00noon

Trial Organiser – Bob Wilden (07711 822704)
Course Director – Grace Baldry-Roberts (07780-986912)
Judge – Michael Longton

Those entered are -

Running 3 dogs -
Ben Smith 
Graham Baldry
Richard Curtis
Ricky Hutchinson
Megan Jenkins
Angela Hughes

Running 2 dogs -
Bob Powell
Bob Wilden
Chris Taylor
Claire Neal
Ed Thornalley
Gill Bharkhda
James Dumbleton
John Palmer
Sue Little
Toby Bulgin
Val Powell
Wendy Cole
Ed Hawkins

Running 1 dog -
Ben Dumbleton
Eddie McBride
Hannah Taylor
James McBride
Jamie Gregory
John Painter
Mark Day
Neal Rouse
Richard Little
Sarah Jenkins

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

EASS Winter Trial Dates - 2017/18

October 2017

Sunday 22nd

EASS Cradle/Nursery/Novice Trial

Location: Worlington, IP28 8SG
Time: 8.30am start
Contact: Ed Thornalley (07885 186949)
Cradle dogs to run first, must be on the field at 8.30am.
Enter on the field, £2.50 entry fee - must be member of EASS to enter - membership forms available at the trial

November 2017

Sat 4th

EASS Open/Nursery/Novice Trial

Location: Castle Rising, PE31 6AN
Time: 8.30am start
Contact: Graham Baldry (07881 8022290)
Open dogs to run before 10:30am, no exception.
£2.50 entry fee, enter on field - must be a member of EASS to enter - membership forms available at the trial field

Sun 26th

EASS Open/Nursery/Novice Trial

Location: To be confirmed
Time: 8.30am
Organiser: TBC
Open dogs to run before 10:30 no exception.
£2.50 entry fee, enter on field - must be a member of EASS to enter - membership forms available at the trial field.

December 2017

Sat 9th

EASS Cradle/Nursery/Novice Trial

Location: Worlington, IP28 8SG
Time: 8.30am start
Contact: Ed Thornalley (07885 186949)
Cradle dogs to run first, must be on the field at 8.30am
£2.50 entry fee, enter on the field - must be a member of EASS to enter - membership forms available at the trial.

January 2018

Sun 7th

EASS Open/Nursery/Novice Trial

Location: Venue to be confirmed
Time: 8.30am start
Organiser: TBC
Open dogs to run before 10.30am, no exception.
£2.50 entry fee, enter on the field - must be a member of EASS to enter - membership forms available at the trial.

Sat 20th

EASS Cradle/Nursery/Novice Trial

Location: Worlington, IP28 8SG
Time: 8.30am start
Contact: Ed Thornalley (07885 186949)
Cradle dogs to run first, must be on the field at 8:30am.
£2.50 entry fee, enter on the field - must be a member of EASS to enter - membership forms available at the trial.

EASS Open Championship - 15th October 2017

East Anglian Sheepdog Society Open Championship - Double Gather

Open to EASS Members that have been placed (1st - 6th) in any EASS Open Trial in 2017

Entries via Kath Perry (07786 605419 / kath.bern@btinternet.com)

Trial Organiser: Ed Hawkins (07591 342412)

Course Director: TBC

Judge: TBC

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

English National Sheepdog Trials 2017

For the first time in the 100 years plus history of national sheepdog trials organised by the ISDS, the English National Sheepdog Trials are coming to Suffolk! 

Not only will 150 top dogs and their handlers be taking part, but there will be a brand-new event,  Suffolk on Show, highlighting what’s on offer in the county.

Friday 28th, Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th July 2017

Haughley Park, near Stowmarket, Suffolk

For more information see www.suffolkonshow.co.uk 

Monday, January 9, 2017

EASS Membership running from 1st November to 31st October the following year.

To bring the EASS membership inline with both the Accounts Year End and the start of the Club Nursery and Novice Winter Trials we are changing the Membership dates to run from 1st November to 31st October the following year.
Should you have any queries please contact us
Thank you

Membership Prices are - 

£12 per member,
£15 joint membership (2 adults and children under 16) 
any further adults + £7.50,

Should you wish to pay by BACS payment
Our Bank details are –
                                Sort Code - 30-98-58
                                Account Number - 00240771
                                Reference - Your name
                                Amount - £15.00 for 2 persons, £12.00 for single membership

Please email your details to eassmembership@btinternet.com,
giving your Name, Address and telephone numbers to have your remittance confirmed.

Should you wish to pay by cheque
Please send cheque made payable to EASS, together with your name, address, mobile and email details to our Membership Secretary:-

c/o 14 Stone Road, Beetley, Norfolk, NR20 4LS

Please be aware that Membership to the EASS is required to enter our Winter Club Trials/Training Days

Thank you

Blog Archive

Membership Sec., Kath Perry - 01362-860616


See our "Join Us" page


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Web Design Copyright © 2015 www.thegather.net