EASS membership runs from 1st November to 31st October the following year - so this needs to be renewed for those planning to enter our winter trials, as follows -
Membership Prices are -
£12 per member,
Membership Prices are -
£12 per member,
£15 joint membership (2 adults and children under 16)
any further adults + £7.50,
Should you wish to pay by BACS payment
Our Bank details are –
Sort Code - 30-98-58
Account Number - 00240771
Reference - Your name
Amount - £15.00 for 2 persons, £12.00 for single membership
Please email your details to eassmembership@btinternet.com
giving your Name, Address and telephone numbers to have your remittance confirmed.
giving your Name, Address and telephone numbers to have your remittance confirmed.
Should you wish to pay by cheque
Please send cheque made payable to EASS, together with your name, address, mobile and email details to our
Membership Secretary c/o 14 Stone Road, Beetley, Norfolk, NR20 4LS
Membership Secretary c/o 14 Stone Road, Beetley, Norfolk, NR20 4LS
Please be aware that Membership to the EASS is required to enter our Winter Club Trials/Training Days
Thank you