
Friday, August 7, 2020

Proposed 2020-2021 Winter Series Dates

Dear Members,
Below is a list of proposed trial dates and venues for this year’s Winter Series.
As I am sure you are all aware, these are particularly challenging times therefore our Winter trials will take on a slightly different format this year. They will all be pre-entry and have a running order – the running order will be posted on our Facebook page and our website a week before the trial. To aid us in the organisation of these trials, the running order will be strictly adhered to and it will be the competitor’s responsibility to find out when their run is.
All current government guidelines will be followed at the time of the trial. Please be aware that we may have to change the rules as the season progresses. The main aim of this series is to allow you, our Members, the long-awaited opportunity to run your dogs.
The aim is to give everyone the chance to run over the weekends that we have trials organised. We have, therefore, decided that on the ‘Open’ days, only Open dogs will be able to run, with Nursery/Novice dogs running the following day. However, if the ISDS rules regarding Open Qualifiers change we will obviously revisit this.
Entries will be sent to:
Kath Perry, 14, Stone Road, Beetley, Norfolk, NR20 4LS
BACS Payments to:
Account Number: 00240771
Sort Code: 30-98-58

Payment will be by BACS or Cheque only.
Entries are now open for the first two weekends.
We look forward to seeing you soon.

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Membership Sec., Kath Perry - 01362-860616


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