
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Update - Winter Series 2020/2021

Dear All,

As I’m sure you’re aware, we have a very full Autumn/Winter trial series for you all to enjoy.
Below is an explanation of the aggregates and how they will work:

1/ The Winter Aggregate

This year we have 11 Nursery/Novices planned. The aggregate will be worked out using any handlers top six scores, these scores go towards the aggregate, using the top four places from each trial with a points system of four points for a win, down to one point for fourth place, giving a maximum aggregate score of twenty four points. This applies to any member either associate or geographical. Should points be tied it will go to the next highest placing and so on until a winner is found.

2/ English Nursery Final Team Selection

EASS team selection for the English Nursery Final will use the same system as the Nursery aggregate, eligibility for the team however is restricted to geographical EASS members so the four points for each trial will be awarded to the highest placed geographical member, similarly three points for the second highest and so on.

3/ The Novice Aggregate

The Novice aggregate will use the same system as the Nursery aggregate.

4/ The Cradle Aggregate

There are six Cradle/Novice Handler trials and the same system will be used as above but over four trials giving a maximum possible aggregate points of sixteen.

5/ The Novice Handler Aggregate

This will use the same system as the Cradle aggregate

* Reminder of Novice Handler status - the Novice Handler trials will be run on the same day and course as the Cradle. This class is for the handler not the dog. A Novice Handler is a handler that has not been placed in an Open trial. Novice Handler may run any class of dog in this trial .

Once again I would like to remind you that all of these trials are pre-entry (details on how to enter are on the trial event posts) and will have a running order that will be published on Facebook and our website at least a week before the trial. This running order will be strictly adhered too, and it is the competitors responsibility to find out when there run is.

We look forward to seeing you all soon!

All the best,
Ed Thornalley

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